I had heard so much about facial yoga and its benefits. So, I decided to learn face yoga to strengthen my facial muscles and get rid of the wrinkles on my face. While looking up some classes, I realized that the timings of the class did not match my schedule. And I would be spending time to travel to and fro. While looking up alternatives, I came across this app which provided personalized tutorials.

To be honest I was skeptical if the app will be effective or not. But from the very beginning of the app, it was a seamless experience. The layout was so easy to navigate. It began with personalizing the whole app and tutorials as per my facial requirements. I was so surprised to see that a free app, can provide personalized tutorials! The whole app was so customizable. I could choose the duration of the tutorials as per my need. So on busy days, I could do shorter tutorials which are more or less equally effective.
So I started with my first tutorial to get rid of wrinkles on my forehead. I was told all the benefits of the particular tutorials. On playing the tutorial, I saw that these tutorials were step-by-step tutorials. Whenever I didn’t get any step correctly, I could directly go back to that particular step. I felt this was a much faster way than the classic video tutorials where I need to drag the cursor to find the correct timestamp.

While doing these exercises I could use a side-by-side mirror (my fav feature!). And trust me, this helped me a lot. It is important to know what you are doing. Doing techniques in the wrong areas is not beneficial. So, this mirroring feature helps to locate the exact area of the face where the exercise has to be done.
I have always heard of optimal breathing techniques can enhance yoga practices. Face yoga is derived from yoga, so these rules apply to face exercises as well. I didn’t know how deep breathing for yoga is different from actually breathing. I needed some guidance here. This app is such a wonder that it just tells you when to inhale and exhale using a visual tool. This tool is called a breath bar. During my exercises, I know when to breathe in and out optimally to make the most of face yoga. That’s such a smart feature!

Sometimes I had doubts in some tutorials and wanted to explore more advanced techniques. Also wanted to confirm if what I’m doing is correct. So connected with experts for free and got feedback from them in form of video tutorials, calls, annotations. All the experts we so kind and understanding. It felt like I was talking to a friend!
It has been 2 weeks since I’m using this app. And believe me or not, I can see the gradual difference. I’m not imagining this! I have proof. Another amazing feature of the app - Facial Tracking. Since day one, I have been taking a selfie after exercises and saving it on the app. Now I have a total of 15 pictures and I can compare each picture and notice the gradual change.
Did you notice, I didn’t miss a single day since I started? Wonder why? It’s because of this cool reminder feature. I have fixed my routine at 4 pm every day. If I’m late by 10 mins, I get reminders on my phone to go and do the exercises. I have done these exercises, in my car, office, park, and home so far. Basically, I can do these exercises anywhere and anytime with just my smartphone.
So, when everything has gone online, do you think there is a need to go for classes anywhere?
I don’t think so. The online world is so powerful that it has remedies for everything. In fact, it has many more advanced solutions than one-on-one training.
Try the Forever Beauty App to experience comfort and efficiency just like I did! I loved the app, and I’m sure you will too!